Nestling Nursery Continuity of Care
Morning 9:00am to 12:30pm
Full Day 9:00am to 4:00pm
2 day (Th/F), 3 day (M-W), or 5 day (M-F)
The Nestling Nursery provides a nurturing and supportive nest for children from six weeks to 36 months old. The multi-age, family-style group prioritizes strong, loving, long-term relationships between teachers and children, and encourages the development of confidence and empathy that come from younger children observing older children, and older children caring for younger ones. Our program emphasizes a nourishing daily rhythm; active and child-directed play; support for healthy physical development; a focus on language development; and inspiration of reverence and wonder.
This program is an extension of the Little Dippers parent-child classes led by Vannesa Houghtlin and follows the Continuity of Care model espoused by the NY Office of Children and Family Services and inspired by the Waldorf philosophy.