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Little Dipper sessions have been suspended due to novel coronavirus concerns.  Sessions will resume as soon as we feel that it is safe.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  

Parent and child can experience the Northern Lights School and community through Little Dippers, a place where children age birth to three play together and parents support one another. The teacher guides the children and parents through seasonal songs, finger plays and puppetry. While children play, the parents work with their hands creating simple toys. We bake bread, share snack and enjoy conversation as well as quiet time to observe each child. The children begin their imaginative journey at Northern Lights while parents provide gentle guidance.


Class is by enrollment only. 

Mondays:  9 classes for $99.

Tuesdays: 13 classes for $143.

If you have any questions, please call or email us!

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Little Dippers Registration
Spring 2021

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