Morning Garden
Morning 9:00am to 12:30pm
Full Day 9:00am to 4:00pm
2 day (Th/F), 3 day(M-W), or 5 day(M-F)
When I examine myself and my methods of thought,
I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy
has meant more to me than any talent for abstract,
positive thinking.
Albert Einstein
​The Morning Garden class is a new Continuity of Care mixed age class for children 3 months to 3 year olds. Following the Continuity of Care model of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, the Morning Garden class provides important activity for strengthening and nurturing the young child. Our early childhood programs provide a warm homelike atmosphere and an opportunity for children to learn through imitation and activity. Play is a child's real work and way of learning. Stories, regular creative activities, sharing of tasks, individual activities, and group play are balanced in the rhythm of the day. The rhythm of the week is also carefully planned. There is a certain dependability that the children can rely on knowing that bread baking, for example, occurs each and every Monday and painting each Wednesday.
During play time the children learn how to interact with others and to build with simple items such as sticks, stones, and shells. It is also the time to develop social skills with playmates and teachers; the children learn to listen, to share, to help, and to respect each other. Outdoor play is an important part of the children's morning. Crawling, running, jumping, balancing, swinging and exploring the natural world are valued activities.

Circle time is a time for traditional verses, poems, and beautiful seasonal songs and games, is also a part of the early childhood experience. All circle activities are learned through imitation. Through the rhythm of word, music, and creative movement, we work towards the integration of the whole being of the child, right down to the fingers and toes. During story time nature stories are told in an artistic way that captivates the children and engages their imaginations. often with wool figures.
A link to "A Mother Turtle", one of Miss Kim's stories can be played on YouTube